Monday, August 23, 2010

Dance to the tunes of 'BOLLYFIT'

A unique and innovative fitness programme by Reema Sarin has helped many fitness freaks to keep fit while dancing to the tunes of groovy Bollywood music.
This one is for all who wish to flaunt the curvy figure without doing any rigorous exercise. Bollyfit, a unique and innovative way to burn those extra calories has helped several people to stay fit.
The fitness dance workshop is one of the latest concepts that is taking both, fitness and dancing to a completely new level as it talks about a totally new concept, internationally called 'fitness dancing'. The programme is one of its kind that has a fusion of Bollywood, jazz and funk dance steps with international dance aerobics, step dance aerobics and cardio kick-boxing moves to Bollywood music at 140 beats per minute (bpms)!
Explains Reema Sarin, Fitness Dancer, Choreographer and the person behind Bollyfit, "The programme is not just about losing weight, it's about keeping fit, improving stamina, endurance, strength and leading a high-energy life."
The USP of the Bollyfit programme is, that the warm-up exercises consist of energetic Bollywood dance moves as opposed to the regular aerobic warm-up exercises. The cool down routine also consists of Bollywood dance moves, which relax every part of your body. So in a regular aerobic class you burn about 200-250 calories, but in a basic Bollyfit class you burn from 300 to 400 calories.
The calorie burning exercises ensure that you get a real workout without feeling the burden of exercise. The vigorous dance moves work out each and every muscle in your body in a very distinct way, giving you a well-balanced full body workout, which helps you de-stress and unwind as you workout.
Reema further informs about the pattern of workout, "Each workout session lasts for about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes and is broken into certain sections."
- 10 min: Stretching & Bollyfit dance Warm-up
- 20 - 30 min: Bollyfit dance workout (depending on the level of the class, e.g. whether beginner, intermediate or advanced)
- 10 min: Bollyfit dance Cool down & Arms workout
- 10 min: Body Conditioning exercises and stretching
- 10 min: Floor workout - ABT (Abs, Buttocks, Thighs)
- 5 min: Breathing & Relaxing exercises
The motive behind combining the dance moves and aerobics is that the fitness dance workout should be taught without feeling the burden of exercise. Under the programme the students are taught advanced calorie burning exercises.
With the right kind of food intake, the programme works wonders for all who wish to flaunt the curvy figure.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

7 ways to get moving and shed Pounds!

Dear BOLLYFIT Members,
No time to work out? No time to plan healthy meals? Lack of time isn't the only excuse offered by people who need to lose weight. Close on its heels is another complaint: ‘Working out just isn't fun, and neither is shopping and cooking ‘healthy.’
If you would adopt some fun ways to get fit, chances are good that you will pick up the exercise habit for good!. And once the exercise habit kicks in, eating better and losing weight come easier.
Getting fit and getting trim is often a ‘chicken and an egg’ story! It's difficult to get fit without eating right, and eating right makes it easier to get fit.
So forget what you learned in high school gym class or at the local health club about what it takes to get fit and eat better. Here are 7 fun ways to get moving and improve your diet. Why not pick one or two that sound fun to you, and give it a try?
1. Forget Exercise; Have 'Fun' Instead
If the thought of the word ‘exercise’ makes you cringe and go ‘Uggghhhh’, just banish it from your vocabulary. Substitute it with ‘fun activity.’
Exercise definitely sounds like sweat and work. "But when we think of it as a 'fun activity,' it could be things we enjoy doing. You have many options! It can be enjoyable activities with friends or with the family like - Hiking, Biking, Jogging, Power Walks, or playing Outdoor games are just a few fun activities that come to mind.
2. Pick a Comfortable Pace for Fitness
Choose an intensity level from the start that's comfortable for you, not what your buddy or the exercise video diva says is the right pace!
Generally speaking, folks who are overweight and out of shape tend to feel pretty bad even in response to even moderate-intensity exercise such as brisk walking! But if you have people walk at their own pace they are going to feel better than people who are walking at moderate intensity. This could be because they feel in control, or because they are walking slower and are not overwhelmed or discouraged by the exercise level or intensity.
Almost everyone feels good after they've done any kind of exercise – so don’t lose out on your exercise today!
Get Your Groove On: Exercise to Music
Music makes exercise more enjoyable and more tolerable and also helps those working out get more pleasure from exercise. You need to the latest bollywood remix tunes and to your favourite music - whatever makes you want to get up on your feet!
It has also been found that listening to a favorite music decreases the influence of stress caused by fatigue, increasing the comfort level of doing the exercise.
4. Lean on Friends for Fitness Support
Exercising with others -- an entire group or just your spouse or a friend -- can make workouts not only more fun but also more regular. The social part sweetens the deal. Find someone you want to spend time with -- a friend, a family member. Make a deal with them, a blood oath to exercise with them.
A lot of people find they enjoy group exercises like BOLLYFIT, Zumba, Pilates, Aerobics class, or a dance studio.

5. Change Your Focus: Aim for a Little Exercise Every Day
Don’t get hung up on the length of each workout. Instead, focus on exercising on most days of the week, especially when you are beginning or resuming an exercise program.
If you get into a pattern of daily exercise, it's easy to increase it. The focus at first is to ‘show up’ to do some exercise or activity most days of the week.
“The hardest part of increasing physical activity is simply getting started. My advice as a weight loss counselor: Make a deal with yourself. If you plan to exercise on a particular day, no matter how you feel when that day comes around, you will put on your exercise clothes and do at least 15 minutes. Most people are surprised that when they do this, they get in more exercise. Once you get started it is easier to keep going. And it's easier to increase the amount of time once you are in the habit of every day or every other day.”
6. Double Up on Your Goals: Get Fit and Trim
If your goal is to get fit, you may also want to also lose weight or eat more healthfully.
If you think you can't do it all at once, think again. It’s often easier to make massive changes in your behavior than one or two small changes. Once, we looked at 50 people with high blood pressure. Some were given two goals: to reduce their salt intake and boost physical activity. Others were given four goals: to reduce salt, boost exercise, reduce fat, and eat more low-fat dairy. Those given the most goals achieved the most.
7. Sneak in Healthier Cooking at Home
You'll have more energy to work out -- and you'll start to shed pounds--if you eat more healthfully. One good way to do that is to reduce total calories by reducing the fat content of your meals. Keep an eye on total salt and sugar, too. Try to reduce each gradually in recipes and favorite dishes.

Reema Sarin
Actor, Model & Dancer/Choreographer

Three Things Every Exercise Program Should Have

Dear BOLLYFIT Members,
This newsletter will answer many of your fitness queries that you have been sending through recently. I have tried to collate all the answers together, but please feel free to send me direct message in case you have any further questions.
Many of you will be leaving for holidays now – but try and keep some of these tips in mind while you enjoy yourself and party hard! And ofcourse, please make the effort to indulge in lots of DANCING as that is truly just fantastic exercise!
Here are some useful tips to your most frequently asked fitness related questions:
1. What you should know for an effective exercise programA complete fitness program must include aerobic exercise, muscular strength and endurance conditioning, and flexibility exercise. Aerobic exercise does good things for your cardiovascular system and is an important part of weight management. Muscular conditioning can improve strength and posture, reduce the risk of lower back injury, and is also an important component of a weight management program. Flexibility exercise is needed to maintain joint range of motion and reduce the risk of injury and muscle soreness.
2. Aerobic exercise can be as simple as power walkingPower Walking is a weight-bearing aerobic exercise. So are jogging, rope skipping and dance-exercise. Aerobic exercise is any activity that uses large muscle groups in a continuous, rhythmic fashion for sustained periods of time. There are also non-weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as bicycling, stationary cycling, swimming and rowing.
3. Keep the pace comfortable. A very important aspect of your exercise program is the intensity. You should exercise at a comfortable pace. You can measure your exercise heart rate to check the intensity of your exercising, or you can take the 'talk test.'
To measure your heart rate, take your pulse as soon as you stop exercising. Count your heartbeat for 10 seconds, then multiply that by six to convert it to a one-minute heart rate. If you keep your exercise heart rate within a range of 55 percent to 80 percent of an estimated maximum heart rate (220 minus your age), you're doing well.
How often should you exercise?Three to four days of aerobic activity is fine for general health maintenance. If you're trying to lose weight, aim for four or more days a week, being sure you take off at least one day a week to give muscles time to recuperate.
How long should you exercise?Work up to 20 or more minutes per session for general health maintenance. For weight loss, gradually work up to 45 minutes or longer from moderate to higher intensities in a hi-low impact activity.
3. Strength Conditioning gives you a choicePick calisthenics, free weights or machines. Just be sure that your strength training includes exercises for every major muscle group, including the muscles of the arms, chest, back, stomach, hips and legs.
Start with a weight that's comfortable to handle and keep it up for eight repetitions. Gradually add more repetitions until you can complete 12 repetitions. For greater strength conditioning, add more weight and/or more repetitions, in sets of eight to 12, when the exercise becomes easy.
Stretch for FlexibilityProper stretching involves holding a mild stretch of 10 to 30 seconds while you breathe normally. Always warm up before you stretch. Like strength conditioning, flexibility exercises should include stretching for all the major muscle groups.
Always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program, especially if have cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or a family history of heart disease.
One last thing to remember . . . Please watch your alcohol and food intake and keep off excessive drinking or eating heavy foods!
Actor, Fitness Model & Dancer/Trainer