Monday, September 21, 2015
The Truth about Cholesterol and Fats, By Reema Sarin, Founder BOLLYFIT, Actor, Dancer, Model
The Truth about Cholesterol and Fats, By Reema Sarin, Founder BOLLYFIT
Understanding the Truth about Cholesterol and Fats
The sterols in cholesterol are health essentials necessary for your brain and building cell walls, specific hormones and the juices that digest fat.
And although high cholesterol in your bloodstream can cause problems, the cholesterol in food isn't nearly the villain you've been led to believe.
Current scientific studies show very little relationship between the cholesterol eaten and blood cholesterol levels. (The only exceptions are for diabetics, who seem to be more sensitive to cholesterol in food.)
The major influence on your blood cholesterol levels is the mixture of good and bad fats in your diet – not the amount of cholesterol in your food.
Bad fats (trans fat and excess saturated fat) increase your risk of disease. But good fats (the polyunsaturated fat in whole grains, nuts and seeds and the monounsaturated fat in olive oil) reduce your disease risk.
So the simple sensible solution is to switch from bad fats to good fats.
7 Steps to Choosing Good Fats over Bad Fats
1. Cook and bake with olive oil. Extra virgin olive oil is rich in heart-healthy fatty acids. Spread it on toast or use it in a vinaigrette.
2. Avoid all foods with trans fats. Read labels to steer clear of deadly trans fats. When eating out, avoid all baked goods and fried foods.
3. Include omega 3 foods daily. Cold water fish and good quality fish oil supplements are your best sources for the important omega 3 oils.
4. Limit your saturated fat intake. You need a very small amount of saturated fat in your diet for hormones and your cells.
5. Eliminate hydrogenated fats. Scan all ingredient lists to be sure your foods don't contain any partially hydrogenated oils.
6. Go low fat on meat and dairy. Foods high in saturated fats can clog your arteries. So go lean on dairy, meats and poultry (no skin) and eat butter and cheeses only in very small amounts.
7. Choose healthy whole grains. Nuts, beans, seeds, brown rice, whole wheat and rolled oats are rich in nutritious essential fatty acids.
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Understanding Cholesterol Numbers
Cholesterol levels should be measured at least once every five years by everyone over the age of 20. The screening test that is usually performed is a blood test called a lipoprotein profile, which includes:
• LDL (low density lipoprotein cholesterol, also called "bad" cholesterol)
• HDL (high density lipoprotein cholesterol, also called "good" cholesterol)
• Triglycerides (fats carried in the blood from the food we eat. Excess calories, alcohol, or sugar in the body are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells throughout the body.)
Results of your blood test will come in the forms of numbers. Here is how to interpret your cholesterol numbers:
LDL Cholesterol
LDL cholesterol can build up on the walls of your arteries and increase your chances of getting heart disease. That is why LDL cholesterol is referred to as ‘bad’ cholesterol. The lower your LDL cholesterol number, the better it is for your health. The table below explains what the numbers mean.
LDL Cholesterol LDL-Cholesterol Category
Less than 100 Optimal
100 – 129 Near optimal/above optimal
130 – 159 Borderline high
160 – 189 High
190 and above Very high
If you have heart disease or blood vessel disease, some experts recommend that you should try to get your LDL cholesterol below 70. For people with diabetes or other multiple risk factors for heart disease, the treatment goal is to reach an LDL of less than 100.
HDL Cholesterol
When it comes to HDL cholesterol – ‘good’ cholesterol -- the higher the number, the better it is for your health. This is because HDL cholesterol protects against heart disease by taking the ‘bad’ cholesterol out of your blood and keeping it from building up in your arteries. The table below explains what the numbers mean.
HDL Cholesterol HDL-Cholesterol Category
60 and above High; Optimal; helps to lower risk of heart disease
Less than 40 in men and less than 50 in women Low; considered a risk factor for heart disease
Triglycerides are the chemical form in which most fat exists in food and the body. A high triglyceride level has been linked to the occurrence of coronary artery disease in some people. Here's the breakdown.
Triglycerides Triglyceride Category
Less than 150 Normal
150 - 199 Borderline high
200 - 499 High
500 or higher Very high
Total Cholesterol
Your total blood cholesterol is a measure of LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and other lipid components. Doctors recommend total cholesterol levels below 200
Total Cholesterol Category
Less than 200 Desirable
200 – 239 Borderline High
240 and above High
Reema Sarin
Reema Sarin's Profile:
Healthy Diet, By Reema Sarin, Founder BOLLYFIT, Actor, Dancer, Model
Healthy Diet, By Reema Sarin, Founder BOLLYFIT
Vitamin D: Strong Heart and Mind
Vitamin D is important in the development of healthy bones, muscles, and nerve fibers as well as a strong immune system. Though our bodies can make it by exposure to sunlight, experts recommend getting vitamin D in other ways. A few foods naturally contain D, such as fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel, mushrooms, liver, cheese, and egg yolks do. Milk, orange juice, and many cereals are fortified with vitamin D
Vitamin C: Good for Bones
Vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables, boosts the growth of bone and tissue. As an antioxidant, it might also help protect cells from damage. Some studies suggest that high doses (2,000 milligrams a day) can shorten the length of cold symptoms. Many people believe it will prevent a cold, but research doesn’t back that up.
Vitamin A: Up Your Beta-Carotene
There are two types of vitamin A: retinol and carotenoids, like beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is a carotenoid found in many orange and yellow foods -- like sweet potatoes, carrots, and winter squash -- as well as spinach and broccoli. Vitamin A is key in supporting good vision, healthy immunity, and tissue growth.
Fiber: Lowers Cholestrol
Fiber from grains, beans, and produce has loads of health benefits. It helps lower cholesterol and improve bowel regularity. It might lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers. And it's great for people trying to lose a few pounds. High-fiber foods are often filling and low in calories. If you take fiber supplements, they may keep some medications and other supplements from being absorbed well by your body. So take your fiber two hours before you take anything else.
Potassium: Lowers Blood Pressure
Potassium can help keep blood pressure healthy. Potassium also supports fertility and muscle and nerve function. But while potassium is in lots of foods naturally - like milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, legumes, avocados, and bananas.
Magnesium: Prevent Disease
Low magnesium levels have been linked with health problems like osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes, muscle cramps, and heart disease. Some people, such as the elderly, people with stomach or intestinal problems, or those who regularly drink alcohol, are at risk for having low magnesium levels. So eat your spinach -- and your beans, peas, whole grains, and nuts (especially almonds). They could do a lot for your health.
Calcium: More Than Strong Bones
You probably know that calcium is good for teeth and bones. But that's not all. Calcium helps maintain muscle function and heart rhythm. It might even help prevent high blood pressure. Dairy is a good source, but foods like salmon, kale, and broccoli have some calcium too. One tip: Without enough vitamin D, your body can't absorb the calcium you take in.
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