Monday, February 15, 2016

Change and Sculpt your Body! Reema Sarin's BOLLYFIT WORKOUT – TWIST, PUNCHES & SPRINT MOVES

Change and Sculpt your Body! Reema Sarin's BOLLYFIT WORKOUT – TWIST, PUNCHES & SPRINT MOVES Bollyfit Twist, Punches & Sprint Moves at 200 beats per minute gives you a fantastic cardio workout and it raises your heart rate to a fat burn level. The Twist is a fantastic for toning the Waist, Hips and Upper Body. The Sprint is great for Strengthening the Legs, Calves, quads (upper thigh), hamstrings (back thigh), inner thigh muscles and outer thigh muscles. The different intense Punch arm movements also give the upper body a fantastic workout, toning the biceps and triceps. The high intensity Twist, Punch and Sprint Moves are fantastic for increasing stamina and fitness levels to a higher zone, and are an incredible calorie and fat burner. To get that great body REGISTER TODAY for BOLLYFIT and change your body! Call us on 9871698894 to enrol. Venue: Malcha Marg Community Center, 1st floor, Chanakya Puri. Email:

Monday, February 8, 2016


Reema Sarin's BOLLYFIT WORKOUT - JUMP COMBINATIONS Bollyfit Jump Combinations at 200 beats per minute gives one a fantastic cardio workout and it raises your heart rate to a fat burn level. It is a fantastic for toning and strengthening the legs and thighs muscles. High intensity Jump Combinations is fantastic for increasing stamina and fitness levels to a higher zone. Jump combinations are an incredible calorie and fat burner. To get that great body REGISTER TODAY for BOLLYFIT and change your body! Call us on 9871698894 to enrol. Venue: Malcha Marg Community Center, 1st floor, Chanakya Puri. Email: