Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fitness takes a new form with Reema Sarin's BollyFit Program

Reema Sarin, today announced the launch of her ‘Bollywood Aerobics’ program “BollyFit” nationwide. It is conceptualized and choreographed by Reema, a leading fitness instructor in the country. More popularly known as the ‘Bollyfit Program’, this vigorous exercise routine consists of scintillating and sophisticated dance American Aerobics Steps, which are carefully synchronized to popular Bollywood, remix numbers.
Explaining the concept Reema said “My classes are not just fun, high energy and fast paced but each song number that I use in the class is carefully selected and tested at increased speeds of 130 -140 beats per minute (bpms). For my Step Aerobic classes, I use songs remixed at 110 bpms, as this exercise routine requires songs at slightly slower beats per minute”.
Bollywood Aerobics is the next big innovative thing in fitness, which is popularizing dance aerobic classes and is a big motivator for people to exercise. Aerobics has come a long way from being taught to the typical aerobic music, to ‘Bollywood remixes’ and other popular kinds of music The moves are easily followed by men and women, as these are classic aerobic moves with a mix of dance choreography, making them distinct from all other aerobic classes. Reema also teaches ‘Rock Aerobic’, ‘Pop Aerobic’ and marathon advanced ‘Trance Aerobics’, which are helpful in de-stressing and unwind as you workout.
The ‘Bollyfit classes’ by Reema are currently being taught in Hyderabad. She has done many organized Fitness Dance Shows all over the country and has also made a ‘Bollyfit’ music video, which is available for viewing on In addition, Reema is also the first Indian Aerobic Trainer to launch her own Aerobic Fitness Blog -


Achal "FIT GURU" said...

I am very happy to see that we south asians are moving in the right direction.

Good Luck

Unknown said...

Thank you Achal. Appreciate it

Achal "FIT GURU" said...

U r welcome...

Take a look I am also doing something similar