Saturday, July 27, 2013

Benefits of Walking! Health Dunia talks to BOLLYFIT Girl, Reema Sarin!

WALKING is the most popular and easiest exercise regime to follow and with excellent benefits! Read on to know more about some of these amazing benefits! By Reema Sarin.

With changing lifestyles and increasing sedentary habits, most of us seem to be losing touch with the simple act of walking.

From home to vehicle, from vehicle to work and back home, we seem to be caught in this notorious cycle, ignoring the numerous physical, emotional and psychological benefits the simple exercise of walking brings with it.

A reminder! Walking is the most relaxing, refreshing and enlivening form of exercise which leads to numerous health benefits ranging from keeping one’s heart in a healthy shape to helping in the whole process of weight management. speaks to Ms. Reema Sarin, Fitness Expert & Founder, Bollyfit and finds out the forgotten benefits of Morning walk:

1. Manages your weight: One hour of brisk walking at 5 miles per hour or 12 minutes per mile, burns 530 calories. With a healthy diet, walking is great for weight loss.

2. Controls Blood Pressure: Physical activity strengthens the heart so it can pump more blood with less effort and with less pressure on the arteries.

3. Improves sleep: Out of many benefits one would be a sound sleep at night. Walking as an exercise that is done in the early morning increases metabolism and rests the body clock of a person.

4. Decreases risk of heart attack: Brisk walking for three hours a week or just half an hour a day is associated with 30% to 40% lower risk of heart disease in women. Walking boosts "good" cholesterol, it helps reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol) in the blood, which can cause plaque buildup along the artery walls - a major cause of heart attacks.

5. Reduces risk of Type-2 Diabetes: People can lower the risk of getting diabetes by combining consistent exercise like walking with lower fat intake and a 5% to 7% weight loss.

6. Lowers stress levels and lengthen one’s lifespan: Morning walk also adds time to your meditation and reduce stress. Quiet and calm mornings help your brain function at a higher level and enhance your working day.

7. Brings glow to your skin: Soaking the sun-rays at dawn can help improve your skin. Absorption of Vitamin D helps in providing a glowing skin.

8. Regular walking lowers the risk of needing gallstone surgery by 20% to 31%. It also reduces the risk of hip fractures.

9. Strengthens muscles, bones, and joints: Exercise is a vital tonic for the joints and muscles, and walking is one of the best way to keep these vitals parts of the body in motion.

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