Tuesday, March 17, 2009

BOLLYFIT Showreels on You-tube

The BOLLYFIT program is really the first of its kind to have glamourized fitness as it involves choreographed fitness dance moves ti bollywood remix music.


More popularly known as the ‘Bollyfit Program’, this vigorous exercise routine consists of scintillating and sophisticated dance American aerobics steps, which are carefully synchronized to popular bollywood remix numbers.

This was further explained by Reema, who said that “My classes are fun, high energy and fast paced. Hence, each song that I use for my classes, is carefully, chosen and tested at increased speeds of 130 -140 beats per minute (bpms), which is the average speed of my fun Aerobic classes. For my Step Aerobic classes, I use songs remixed at 110 bpms, as this exercise routine requires songs at slightly slower beats per minutes”.

Reema said that “As fitness professionals, the Bollyfit program is certainly the next big innovative thing in fitness, which is already helping to popularize dance aerobic classes and hence is a big motivator for people to exercise. Reema says the moves are easily followed by both men and women, as these are classic aerobic moves, with a mix of interesting dance choreography, making them distinct from all other aerobic classes.

These special ‘Bollyfit classes’ are currently being taught in Hyderabad, as that is where Reema is currently based. Over the past couple of years, Reema has many organized Fitness Dance Shows all over the country. Subsequently, Reema made a ‘Bollyfit’ music video, which is available for your viewing on www.reemafitness.com.

In addition, Reema is also the first Indian Aerobic choreographer to launch her own Aerobic Fitness Blog - http://reemafitness.blogspot.com/

And where do we go from here? “Well’, adds Reema that “All I can say is that, Aerobics has certainly come a long way from being taught to the typical aerobic music, to ‘bollywood remixes’ and other popular kinds of music. Today, I teach ‘Rock Aerobic’, ‘Pop Aerobic’ and marathon advanced ‘Trance Aerobic classes’, which are all very addictive, as you just de-stress and unwind as you workout. With my high energy level and flexibility, maybe the next big thing for me could be performing in a ‘music video’! But for now, it’s Long Live Bollywood Aerobics!

To watch the BOLLYFIT showreels, please click here:

Reema Sarin
Fitness Dancer & Choreographer
Bollyfit Program
Cell: 984 964 7772
Email: r_sarin@hotmail.com

Bollyfit Show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KC0YnFLbDVg&feature=channel_page



American School BOLLYFIT Workshop

The American School BOLLYFIT Workshop
The American School BOLLYFIT Program had a great response as the aerobic dancers did the BOLLYFIT choreogrpahy and some typical American aerobic moves to the popular bollywood remix music!
There was excellent coordination and great energy in the BOLLYFIT dance workouts!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

BOLLYFIT on Fashioncurry.com

Fitness…the Bollywood Way

Reema, a leading fitness dancer has introduced the “Bollyfit Program”, a vigorous exercise routine that consists of American Aerobics Steps synchronized to popular Bollywood remix numbers at very high BPMs or beats per minute.

Explaining the concept, Reema said “These classes are not just fun…each song number that I use is carefully selected and tested at increased speeds of 130 -140 BPMs.

B’bye Gym, It’s the time to DiscoThe Bollyfit classes are taught in a discotheque as the lights, sound, and the whole ambience elevate the mood of the dancers.
Bollywood Aerobics really seems to be the next big thing in fitness, which is popularizing dance aerobic classes and is a big motivator for people to exercise. Aerobics has certainly come a long way!

It’s not just fun but also easy, feels Reema. The moves are easily followed by both men and women. You can choose between “Rock Aerobics”, “Pop Aerobics”, and marathon-advanced “Trance Aerobics”.
The Bollyfit classes are currently being taught in Hyderabad. Reema has also made a Bollyfit music video, which is available for viewing on www.reemafitness.com.

Wondering who would go for Bollyfit? You’ld be surprised that some of the major Indian corporations are finding it interesting: AppLabs, IBM, CSC (Computer Science Corporation), the Women's Club, ITC Hotels are just some of the big names who have enrolled for Bollyfit.Reema has also taught models, actors (like Anuj Sawhney), mainstream businessmen, teenagers, and college students.

These classes are excellent for total body fitness as well as weight loss. They are known for increasing stamina, flexibility, and dancing style. Reema also gives diet counseling along with Bollyfit classes. Certainly worth a check out!


The IBM BOLLYFIT Workshop, conducted on Women's International Day!
All the participants danced with amazing energy and stamina to keep up with the scintillating BOLLYFIT moves and REMIX music!

Client Appreciation Note:

Dear Reema,
Thanks ever so much for your commitment and involvement for our session on 10th March.
You are an inspiration for many of us.
I wish to place on record my sincere appreciation for your efforts and time and hope to have you back very soon here as requested by many employees.
Keep smiling !

copy to Geetha:thanks formaking this session happen.Deepa kept at this and made it happen for us and a big thanks to her too!


Uma G Rao
Leadership Development - Growth Markets
IBM India Pvt Ltd