Monday, July 28, 2014

‘Dilli Aajtak’ showcases ‘BOLLYFIT’ with Reema Sarin Actor, Model & the ‘BOLLYFIT Girl’

Dear Bollyfitters, to get that perfect body and shape, one has to do a mix of both, Cardio and Toning exercises. Cardio ensures the 'Fat Burn' and toning ensures that you’ll preserve lean muscle mass as you lose fat! BOLLYTONING is a fantastic strength training workout to build Muscular Endurance; Cardiovascular Endurance; Flexibility and Power. BOLLYTONING has two main workout components:
• ABT (BODY TONING & BODY CONDITIONING) - Abs (Abdominals), Buttocks (Gluts) and Thighs
• STRETCHING & BREATHING - to increase one’s flexibility through deep muscle and Yoga stretches and correct breathing.
Dilli Aajtak showcases BOLLYTONING for you with Reema Sarin, Founder BOLLYFIT!

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