Sunday, August 31, 2014

Welcome to Reema Sarin’s MONSOON BOLLYFIT & BOLLYWOOD DANCE Sessions from Monday, SEPTEMBER 1st 2014, New Delhi

Welcome to Reema Sarin’s MONSOON BOLLYFIT & BOLLYWOOD DANCE Sessions starting Monday, SEPTEMBER 1st at the MALCHA MARG COMMUNITY CENTER, New Delhi – 110021
BOLLYFIT Classes every Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 10.15 a.m. - 11.15 a.m.; Tuesday & Thursday – 6.30 – 7.30 p.m.; BOLLYWOOD DANCE Class - Tuesday & Thursday – 4.00 – 5.00 p.m.
BOLLYFIT is a fantastic fusion of Bollywood, Bhangra, Salsa, Flamenco, Jazz, Funk and Modern dance moves with international Dance Aerobics and Cardio Kick-Boxing moves to Bollywood music to your favorite Bollywood, Indipop and Bhangra Remix music at 200 beats per minute, the fastest in the fitness and dance industry globally!
BOLLYFIT is:            An intense calorie burner, muscle toning and strength training workout, Burns upwards of 500- 700 calories per session.

Reema Sarin is multi-faceted as an Actor, Model, Anchor, Bollywood Dancer & Choreographer and the Founder of the BOLLYFIT program. She has trained in multiple dance forms including the Flamenco, Latin dances, Tango, Jazz and Modern Dance at Arthur Murray Dance Studios in New York, San Francisco and Delhi School of Music. Email –;

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ab Crunches to Trim that Belly Fat! By Reema Sarin, Founder BOLLYFIT

The Belly zone is probably where we put on weight first, and it is one of the most difficult spot areas to lose fat from!
To truly tame your trouble spots, you need combine cardio with strength training. Ideally, you should do atleast 30 minutes of cardio 4 to 5 days per week. Cardio activities can take form of whichever form of aerobic exercise you’re doing—aerobics, dancing, walking, running, biking, swimming, hiking. The key is to be consistent with your exercise regime and to do the exercises with intensity. Indulging in being active all day, would also help you in burning fat as opposed to shunning any physical activity, which would slow down your system instead! For e.g. walking around to do the chores, cleaning up a little, working a little in the garden, so as to increase your activities of daily living.
Here are 3 excellent spot training exercises to do to burn that Belly Fat!
The ‘AB’ Crunch: This is your typical abdominal crunch exercise and it if done right, it really make your abs work and are super effective to burn the fat off the belly area.
Lie on your exercise mat on your back. Bend your knees. Place your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows wide open. Press the small of your back into the mat by pulling your belly button towards your spine. Contract your abdominal muscles and slowly bring your shoulder blades about 2-3 inches off the floor. Exhale from your mouth as you contract and come up, and inhale from your nose as you come back down. Make sure to keep your neck straight and your chin up. Once you raise up to your maximum, hold the Ab crunch for a few seconds and then slowly lower back down to start position. However, do ensure that you never completely relax back on the mat once you lower back. Do 4 sets of 16 repetitions and increase the sets as your Abs get strength to do more shoulder lifts.
Bicycle Crunch: This is a particularly effective exercise as it works strengthen three different ab muscles at the same time: the Upper Abdominal muscle, the lower Abdominal muscle and the external Oblique Abdominal muscles. Lie flat on your exercise mat on your back, pressing your back into the ground, as well as reducing the curve in your lower back. Contract your core ab muscles. Position your hands gently behind your head. Lift your knees up to about a 45 degree angle. Turn your right elbow to your left knee and twist to try to reach that knee and go to your maximum, so as to contract your side Oblique abdominal muscle. Now change your elbow and knee, and alternate to the opposite side, with your left elbow aiming for your right knee. Put in your maximum effort and intensity into each ‘pedal’ move. Do 4 sets of 10-15 repetitions to each side.
Ball Crunch: The Ball crunch is excellent for strengthening your core abdominal muscle — the rectus abdominus. Position yourself such that the ball is under your lower back. Take your arms and place them either behind your head, keeping your elbows wide open. Inhale you’re your nose as you contract your abdominal muscles, pulling them in tight, and using them to lift your upper body or torso off the ball, straight up towards the ceiling, with the ball stationary and firm on the floor. Each time try and lift higher, contracting in your Abdominal muscle, and hence increasing the intensity of each Ab Ball Crunch. Now, gently lower back into starting position and do 4 sets of 12 repetitions.
The more resistance and intensity you put in to the above Abdominal crunches, will help you strengthen your Abs further and get the flat belly look faster!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Aerobic Activity Strengthens Your Heart! BOLLYFIT with Reema Sarin!

The countless comforts that technology provides us today have simplified our lives, but with a price! An unhealthy body!  Problems in disguise of diabetes, hyper tension, chronic heart diseases, high blood pressure and more recently obesity have paved their way into our so called comfortable life, creating perilous threat to our lives.

To combat these problems you need to exercise vigorously enough to speed up your heart rate and keep it up for at least 20 minutes! Because it takes at least that long for your heart to work hard enough for you to experience cardiovascular and endorphin benefits. Get your heart rate up and keep it up for at least 20 minutes per session, ideally daily. Huff and puff a little. Break out in a sweat. Burn energy. Move fast. A vigorous aerobic activity session for 45 minutes every other day is a good alternative. It builds your endurance, strengthens your heart, and increases your lung capacity.

It releases endorphins, those wonderful mood-elevating brain chemicals.

Health Benefits are:
ª             Tones the muscles and makes them stronger.
ª             Increases your speed, balance, flexibility, coordination and sharpens reflexes.
ª             Reduces stress. Aerobic activity is one of the most successful STRESS-BUSTER programs in the Fitness industry globally.
ª             Burns a high as 500 calories per hour.

If you are one of those frustrated of bulging tummy, double chin, sagging arms and extra fats, Aerobic Activity can be your efficient fat burner.

ª             Improves heart and lung function
ª             Lowers heart rate and blood pressure
ª             Increases blood supply to muscles and improves ability to use oxygen
ª             DETOXIFIES the skin, wherein all body toxins are thrown out through intense perspiration.
ª             Increases HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol)
ª             Decreases triglycerides
ª             Reduces body fat and improves weight control
ª             Improves glucose tolerance and reduces insulin resistance
ª             Enhances immune function, which means:
ª       Increases resistance to viral and bacterial infection
ª       Increases resistance to cancer
ª             Lowers blood sugar levels and reduces risk of diabetes
ª             Longer life expectancy

Love the moves and feel the pulse of your muscles. Feel them grow, feel the blow. Stretch a little. Jump and Kick some more. And kick high. The aerobic activity advantage will give you a health and heart good time advantage. Bring out the dynamo in you!

Important Exercise Tips to keep in mind:

  • Wear flexible and light exercise shoes and comfortable cotton or lycra exercise clothes.
  • Feel free to sip water throughout the workout.
  • Constantly breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth throughout the exercise routine.
  • Stay up tall, shoulders back and hold your stomach in tight during while doing the dance aerobic exercises
  • Follow the choreography carefully and do the exercises at your own pace and stamina.
  • Be light on your feet and ALWAYS land on your heels to avoid shin splins.
  • And last but not the least – enjoy the beats and rhythm of the fabulous Bollywood remix numbers and let the music move your feet.
·         Do work out atleast 3 times a week – a minimum of 20 minutes of cardio,
·         with a good warm –up, cool down and stretching exercises.
·         Always wear good flexible fitness shoes and comfortable fitness clothes- preferably of cotton and lycra fabrics, which allow full body movement and minimize physical injuries. These fabrics also allow the body to breathe.
  • Give your self atleast a 2 hour gap between your meals and workouts
  • Have plenty of water throughout the day and also during the work-out
  • Eat healthy – a high protein – low carbohydrate diet, with lots of vegetables, fruits and some dairy products.

Reema Sarin
Founder ‘BOLLYFIT’
Actor, Model, Anchor, Bollywood Dancer & Choreographer
Reema Sarin's Profile:
Join on Facebook - Reema Sarin – The BOLLYFIT Girl!    

Reema Sarin - Twitter

Thursday, August 7, 2014


We recently spoke about ‘DANCING AS A CALORIE BURNER’.
Today, we want to quickly bring you up to speed with ‘What’s in and working well’ in the world of Fitness, Read On:

  • Intense cardio exercise routines, ideally 30 – 40 minutes, at least 3 - 4 times a week, with a combination of strength training exercises for your arms and legs and floor workouts for toning your abdominal and Gluteus muscles for another 20 minutes.

The combination of the above is has proven to be very effective and will give you excellent results in just a few weeks!

  • Do change your cardio workouts at least twice a week to incorporate Running, Power Walking, Cycling, Swimming, Aerobics and other cardio workouts with Gym machines.

Remember; never let your body get used to any one type of work out. For effective weight loss and fitness, you need to keep surprising your muscles with new types of fat burn exercises which have proven to give far greater results in a relatively shorter duration of time.

  For Dance Aerobic workouts, the latest trend is to keep the moves simple and yet interesting as opposed to complicated choreography.   

To get the maximum out of your workouts, choose your favorite music and songs, with fast beats and good rhythm (at least 140 beats per minute). Fantastic upbeat music is a true energy booster and believe me it will simply do wonders to motivate you and make you workout to your optimum potential.
Enjoy yourself and let your music work you out!

  • Keep your diet wholesome and healthy – Diet should be high in Protein with some Complex Carbohydrates, Fruits, Vegetables; LOW in fat, fried foods, deserts and processed foods.  

  • Last but not the least, keep your system hydrated and flushed! So your water should significantly high – atleast 8 glasses per day if not more!

And if you really want to drop weight – Cut out Alcohol and reduce EXCESS SALT intake. And watch the phenomenal Results!

So folks, keep your DIET HEALTHY & your FITNESS REGIME & WORKOUTS INTERESTING. Enjoy your work-outs with lots of good music; keep the ‘FITNESS IS   FUN’ spirit alive!

Reema Sarin
Founder ‘BOLLYFIT’
Actor, Model, Anchor, Bollywood Dancer & Choreographer
Reema Sarin's Profile:
Join on Facebook - Reema Sarin – The BOLLYFIT Girl!    
To receive your weekly fun dance and fitness tip, Join The BOLLYFIT Club on Facebook today!
Reema Sarin - Twitter
Reema Sarin Blog
Reema Sarin – Linked In
New BOLLYWOOD Dance Music Video:    

Monday, August 4, 2014


We recently spoke about 'Curing Hangovers' and if you recall, we said that 'Dancing' is
a sure shot way to reduce the effects of excessive drinking.

Well the good news is that 'dancing' is also one of the most enjoyable ways to burn those
extra calories and lose Weight!

Read on to find out how many calories you can actually burn in this FUN way!


Be it Bollywood, Disco, Modern Dancing, Jazz, Hip-hop, Salsa, Samba, Flamenco or Break-dance – all of them involve a mix of fast (high impact) and moderate (low impact) cardio, muscle toning and fat burn moves. Infact, industry research shows that one can burn between anything above 200 calories with just 30 minutes of dancing, which means you can burn nearly 400 calories per hour!!

What could be a better way to shed the love handles and the extra pounds than dancing to your favorite 'Bollywood',  ‘Rock', 'Indipop', ‘Western pop', ‘Techno’ or ‘Reggae’ music atleast once a week.

Some useful tips for 'dancing as a calorie burner' are:

1) Drink lots of water throughout the dance session to keep yourself hydrated

2) Compensate alcoholic drinks with 'fresh juices'

3) Wear clothes of cool fabrics that allow the body to 'breathe' and the perspiration to evaporate -    like cotton, linen, lycra, amongst others

4) Wear 'nice but comfortable' shoes

5) Last but not the least - 'NO SMOKING' while dancing! Smoking is a stamina killer and will hamper your energy while dancing!

So what are you waiting for! Put on your dancing shoes this week-end and 'kill two birds with one stone' - Party and Lose Weight!

Reema Sarin
Founder ‘BOLLYFIT’
Actor, Model, Anchor, Bollywood Dancer & Choreographer
Reema Sarin's Profile:
Join on Facebook - Reema Sarin – The BOLLYFIT Girl!   

To receive your weekly fun dance and fitness tip, Join The BOLLYFIT Club on Facebook today!

Reema Sarin - Twitter
Reema Sarin Blog

Reema Sarin – Linked In

New BOLLYWOOD Dance Music Video:    

Saturday, August 2, 2014

How to Schedule Exercise into a Working Day! Reema Sarin Founder BOLLYFIT talks to STAYFIT Magazine

People who wish to lose weight and enjoy better health are often discouraged because they can rarely find the time to work out. When someone works full time, takes care of children, or has other important responsibilities, it is often difficult to fit exercise into the daily routine. Despite this fact, there are ways to schedule exercise into a busy life.
People who work full time outside of the home can schedule exercise into their lives by walking in the morning, during their work breaks, or in the evening. Taking a brisk walk outside for 30 minutes can help a person become more physically fit. Breaking the walks up into two or three 15-minute segments can help people who are even more pressed for time.
Another way to squeeze exercise into a busy schedule is to sneak snippets of physical activity into the day. For example, parking the car further away from the store is an excellent way to walk more. Other options include walking to nearby stores to get shopping done. Instead of using elevators all of the time, make an effort to take the stairs. Walking up stairs is a good way to fit in some exercise while at work or taking care of errands around town.
During the workday, instead of sending a co-worker an email, some people like to leave their desks and walk over to the other person's office or cubicle in order to relay the message. Do this several times of day in order to receive the benefits of physical activity and schedule exercise into a busy workday.
At home, a person can schedule exercise into her life by doing a variety of actions. One way to do this is to jump rope from ten to 15 minutes. Jumping rope is a workout that delivers excellent benefits in a short amount of time. Another method of squeezing in exercise is to take the dog for a walk around the neighborhood. This is a two-fold benefit; the dog gets to release some energy and the owner fits in some physical activity.
If someone enjoys watching television in the evening, she can exercise as well. Crunches, jumping jacks, and marching in place are all excellent ways to exercise during a TV sitcom or even commercial breaks.
Use housework as a way to schedule exercise into the daily routine. Since housecleaning is a necessary part of life, everyone can fit physical fitness into their schedules. For example, sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and mopping are all activities that can increase the heart rate. Incorporate lunges, jogging, and other movements in order to make housework an effective form of exercise.